Russia is waiting


I got myself a knife.

keeping time pt. 2

"Mother, I'm ready! I'm finally ready!"
"For what?"
"Huh? I don't know..."

(No, you are not ready, you're just different than you were a moment ago. And in the next moment, you will be a bit different again. This is called change, or development if you wish. Growth. It's all just about different realities in the "now", the essence of what we call time.)

blogging and camping

Travel blog, personal blog, thoughts about life -blog, art blog... I still don't know whether I should try to combine all of those or just keep them separately (which might become just as chaotic in the end).
Any ideas? Do you find it more convenient to have all the different stuff on the same page, or rather find different topics from different blogs? I don't even know who might read this, and here's the problem:
My art and criticism I'd like to share with as many as possible.
Travels I'd like to share with friends and other travellers.
And personal thoughts and dreams with friends only, I like keeping "an open diary" for myself, even if nobody ever reads it.

I haven't really been writing here at all, which is a shame, since I used to keep a Finnish blog for years (since 2004- can you believe it?) and really enjoyed it. But it was always a bit too personal to be public, and then I couldn't really use it for public information/thoughts sharing.

Today I will buy a tent. I decided it needs to be big enough to fit two.

Vuosi sitten kirjoitettua:

Eilen makasin pellossa iltahämärässä lampaiden ympäröimänä ja lauloin niille tuutulauluja. Mun elämä on niinku jotain satua nykyisin. Taivas oli harmaansininen, pieniä pilviä täynnä.


Such magic happens to your head after spending some overly peaceful time in an old cottage, swimming in the lake naked in the sunshine...naked as children, without any sexual context. Ah, how we all must miss such nudity. I felt like a beautiful being (not a child, a woman, a girl, just a non-human being) floating in the Mother Earth's womb. A friend of mine once said she would like to become plant plankton. Now I see what she meant. How magical would it be like, to live floating in the womb from day to day, making love with the sun in the form of photosynthesis...

I read a book written by a 92-year-old wonderwoman. She called herself "the lover of the Universe". Lover, as in girlfriend. Rakastajatar. Milenka. Is there a better word in English?
Well, I am one of those now.